Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

And a Happy New Year! Sorry I haven't posted lately, you know, the Christmas rush and all that. Did you know that five kids, two parents and a pair of grandparents can trash a single living room in just ten minutes without going through but six presents? It is true. How do I know? Well, let us just say I went through it! This morning we each had to open at least ten to eleven presents. Not to mention that we also opened presents Sunday with my aunt and cousins, we are going to open presents tomorrow with another grandpa, and then this weekend we are going to my my other set of grandparents and they are going to have presents for us too! So,Yeah, I guess you could say that we have more presents than we know what to do with. I mean, sure we know what to do with them, I was just expressing a saying.
You know, we didn't have a lot of presents this year compared to others, but the few we had were amazing! Here are the highlights for each of us:

Dad: Tickets to the spurs game(although it was in the nosebleed section as mom calls it)when they retired Avery Johnson's jersey.
Mom: An Album of all our yearly newsletters. (For those of you who know my mom, you know that is a big thing for her)
Me!: A MP3 Player! Mom and I each got one! And also a new Webkinz. (A stuffed animal that has a secret code to redeem online at Webkinz.com)
Bud: The Transformer Movie which he had been dying to see and had been told that he could not see it until he was eleven or twelve.(he loves transformers so much that he has a abnormal growth on his head, A transformer winter cap.)
Princess: A Lil' Kinz.(A little Webkinz)
Queen: "Horsie Makeup", a thing which she has been wanting for like ever!
Stinker: A plush 'Diego', Dora's cousin.

Well, that is about it! Have a Happy New Year! Oh! I nearly forgot! It is only about a week and a half till I turn Eleven! :0)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

In The Evening

Sorry I haven't posted lately, I've been really busy.We put up our CHRISTmas decoration's up just recently.(and yes, I did spell it that way on purpose.) Our tree looks so pretty you could eat it. Every year the next kid in line gets to put the star on top of the tree. Speaking of the tree, let me paint a picture of our family in the evening. At night we all snuggle up on our couch and talk about our experiences during the day and sing psalms and drink hot chocolate while enjoying each others presence. This is our family,...NOT! What it really looks like at night is this, a naked baby( Stinker) running around the house while screaming "Nakedy! Nakedy Bottom!" Dad proceeding to chase her. Mom shouting to get Queen's attention, (Because of gunk built up in her ear she is nearly deaf ) Bud making Princess cry, And me off somewhere trying to read or taking a shower. Sorry if I fooled you earlier. Whoops! better go help catch Stinker before she poops somewhere.;)

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Thanks to everybody who commented on my first ever. It means a lot to me that you take the time to look at my blog. To really start my blog off I'll tell you about Stinker. Stinker loves me so much that Mom said that if I could breastfeed that she would be out of a job. Tonight we curled up and played peekaboo in front of the Christmas tree. One of our favorite thing to do is play,..... 'Lets Get Stinker Dressed For Bed (If We Can)'. Yeah, sounds like fun doesn't it. It is a lot like Survival: Stinker, where it all depends upon the next challenge and how you do on it. First up is the terrifying Dresser,(speacial sound effects) where there are the rare diapers, the ferocious shirts, and you have to journey through it all to capture the awe inspiring P.J.. Then you have to bring it back to Stinker. Then the next stage begins, getting it on her. Next is the tickle session. Sadly, most don't survive. Then you have to wind her down and put her to bed, but by then you are falling alsleep on your feet. Belive me you'll sleep good after all that. If you're not sleeping already that is. Bye! ZZZZZzzzzz....

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

First Ever

Welcome to my blog! I really am ten/eleven. I wanted this blog so much that mom finally relented and gave me it. We thought that it would be no sweat setting one up on her account, but it turned out that if I did that on her account, that every thing that I did would end up on her blog! so then we had to create a e-mail for me just so that I could have a blog! I won't get to check my e-mail or anything until I'm old enough. And then when we tried to log in, turns out that you have to also have a Google account too! so Mom had to get me a Google account, whatever that is. But when she tried to get a Google account, it wouldn't let her for some reason. so she had to try for a while and call Dad over and everything. But it worked! so here I go.

I live on a camp for special kids, and this blog is going to be a account of what it's like living on a camp. My Dad is the program director, and sometimes the camp director too. He's really funny, and there is none like him. My Mom is like most Moms, over protective, a cleaning freak, and a mentor for all my 'girl' stuff. 2# is a real twerp, as most brothers are. 3# is a real girly-girl, and absolutely adores 2#. 4# thinks that she is top of the world and will just about make you bow down before her. 5# is my stinker, and when I say my, I mean My, I mean she absolutely adores me, and I absolutely adore her too. And then we have a new one on the way,6#. For this blog I'm going to call Dad, Dad.Mom, Mom. 2# Bud. 3# Princess. 4# Queen. And 5# Stinker. The one on the way I'm gonna call babe. Bye!