Saturday, November 29, 2008

The End...and The Beginning

Wow...I have been off for so long!!! It feels kinda good to be back...but I have to admit that I am rather scared of all the rotten stuff I'm gonna get thrown at me for not posting in so long!! Oh well, now let me see, where do I start...
Let me start with the new system I came up with. It goes like this:

4#Princess Pea
Got it? If you ever get stuck, just refer back here.

Now let's go back to where my last post left off. First of all, let me just say that when you say you are going to survive on just what you need, and your parents just say, "Ok, whatever, good for you." it does not mean that they fully comprehend and understand. So when two months later they ask, "Why aren't you wearing any other clothes but those four outfits? We bought you tons of clothes!" and you tell them about your igneous plan that you carried out that should cut down on luggage and save the world...well...let's just say they don't absorb that information very well. Just wanted to get that clear.


We are living in the house we rented and I am currently sharing a room with Blondie. Boy has his own room, Princess Pea and Stinker are sharing and Mom, Dad and Babe are in the same room. We have twenty acres and are always discovering new stuff on it. We often get lost and have to find our way back. We are building a fort...when we are over there that is. I have passed all the sections of AWANA and I am helping out with the little kids/Cubbies. I have three awesome friends I hang out with all the time. My life is/was going pretty smoothly.

Well that's the good news. The bad news is that I am completely confused about the whole presidency thing and I have no idea why I am on the side I am on and why I should be. I trust my parents judgement...but no one has bothered to tell me why they are against who they are against.
My dad has had to leave his job with the flickering camp and it's owners whom he has been with for seventeen years. There was more than a few tears all around when he had to break it to them and to us. However, the good news is that he has found a job and a home for us at the same camp where he and my mom met.

So there you go. That is at least all of my life that I can think of up till the present.
Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and that you will have a Happy Hanukkah or Merry Christmas!!!!